On Wednesday Mayor Elect Greenberg posted an update from his Transition Team via his social media platforms. This quick clip features Councilwoman Nicole George (D21) who is also Co-Chair of the Public Health & Public Services Committee and boasts that they will be "digging into" Metro agencies and partners such as "Public Works and Brightside and everything in between."
The update recommended that if you would like additional information on the Transition Team and it's plans, you can check out their website. Upon review it states the following:
"From Day One, my Administration and I will work on our top priorities and values, moving Louisville in a New Direction."
• All-In on Public Safety
• New, Affordable & Improved Housing
• Cleaning Up the Mess
• Investing in Overlooked Neighborhoods & People
• Universal Pre-K for our Children
• Protecting the Rights of Women
• Making it Easier to Invest in Louisville
• Healthier Parks, Healthier City
While there is very little detail on their website about their actual plan of action, there are options to join their Team as an Administrator and/or to express your opinions. You can also get more details on the actual Transition Team and it's members.
UPDATE: We received a response from the Transition Team with a bit more detail on their plans.
"Hey Jared thanks for your questions. I’ve attached Mayor Fischer’s current Metro Government org chart. Someone from our transition team will be meeting with leaders from each of the metro agencies listed in the dark gray boxes. These meetings are taking place right now and will continue through December.
Some of the questions we will be asking agency leaders include:
• What is your budgeting process and how do you allocate your funding?
• What are the current staffing needs in your agency?
• What are the immediate and long term goals and priorities for your agency?
So far our new website (www.newdirectionlouisville.com) has been a very popular place for community members to submit ideas for the new administration.
To date we’ve received nearly 450 suggestions as well as over 300 resumes from people wanting to work for the new administration. As far as public forums we are discussing some options for this so stay tuned.
Also, since the election the Mayor Elect has met with dozens of community advocates, nonprofit leaders, faith leaders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. Please let your readers know if they would like to request a meeting with the Mayor Elect or someone from the transition team they can send an email to info@greenbergformayor.com
Thanks again for reaching out. All the best,
Kevin Trager
Office of Mayor Elect Craig Greenberg"

Updated 12/1/22 at 11:20am.