A slightly chaotic scene yesterday at Central High School in Louisville KY. Students staged a sit in to bring light to their collective sexual allegations against one student. They claim the faculty has refused to act on these allegations, even going so far as to blaming the girls choice of clothes and even laughing in reaction to these accusations.
A "Level 4" lockdown was put into effect at the same time as the student's planned sit in. LMPD responded as part of this lockdown and left the school shortly after arriving. It is currently unknown if this lockdown was due to the planned action or other events within the school, but it lead to several children being trapped in the gym and apparently a bathroom for many hours. Student's said they were denied access to food, water, and bathrooms while being held against their will. Once parents arrived, many were not allowed access to their children.
In a letter sent to parents, Principal Dr. Tamela Compton said a group of students arranged a sit-in at the school "in response to a social media concern." Students on campus told WHAS11 the protest was over a sexual assault allegation. Mark Hebert, with JCPS, could not confirm the nature of the allegations but elaborated that some type an allegation was made over the weekend that was similar to one made, and investigated, three years ago. He said the allegation made back then was "resolved," but did not elaborate.
While there have been no updates on the allegations or concerns of the accusers, one student ended up being cited by law enforcement after allegedly assaulting a school staff member, a JCPS spokesperson told WAVE.
No official statements have been released by LMPD.
Video Footage and Commentary courtesy of Amber Brown of Chalk It Up Kentucky and the full video can be found here: https://bit.ly/3hWQ5da